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​บริษัท ไชน่ายู จำกัด: สุขุมวิท 77 (BTS Onnut)

Beijing Information  Science & Technology University (BISTU)

 ไชน่ายูรับสมัคร ทุนเรียนต่อจีน100% ทุนเรียนภาษาจีน ทุนรัฐบาลจีน ทุนCSC  ทุนCIS ทุนมหาลัยจีน ซัมเมอร์แคมป์จีน ฟรีค่าเรียน ค่าที่พัก ค่าขนม ตั้งแต่ปี 2008

เรียนต่อปริญญาตรี ภาคจีนที่ Beijing Information  Science & Technology University (BISTU)
Beijing Information  Science & Technology University (BISTU) ได้รับการอนุมัติอย่างเป็นทางการจากกระทรวงศึกษาธิการ Beijing Information Science and Technology University (BISTU) เป็นการควบรวมกิจการของ Beijing Institute of Machinery (BIM ซึ่งดูแลโดยกระทรวงอุตสาหกรรมเครื่องจักรเดิม) และ Beijing Institute of Information Technology (BIT ซึ่งดูแลโดยกระทรวงเดิม ของอุตสาหกรรมอิเล็กทรอนิกส์) BISTU เป็นโรงเรียนหลักที่ได้รับการสนับสนุนจากเทศบาลนครปักกิ่ง โดยมีสาขาวิชาที่ค่อนข้างครบถ้วน โดยเน้นที่การพัฒนาความร่วมมือทางวิศวกรรมของวิศวกรรมศาสตร์ การจัดการ วิทยาศาสตร์ เศรษฐศาสตร์ ศิลปศาสตร์ และกฎหมายศึกษา ด้วยประวัติยาวนานถึง 85 ปี

     Location: เมือง ฺBEIJING

จุดเด่น: ตั้งอยู่ใน เมืองปักกิ่ง ซึ่งเป็นเมืองหลวงของประเทศจีน
เงื่อนไขทุน:  มีทุน 1+4 ปรับภาษาฟรี 1ปี ต้องเกรด 3 ขึ้นไป ค่าเทอมฟรี

ค่าหอพัก: 12,000 หยวน/ปี โดยประมาณ
​▶ คณะที่แนะนำ: BBA, Financial Management ,การจัดการทรัพยากรมนุษย์, บัญชี, เศรษฐศาสตร์,การค้าระหว่างประเทศ, , E-commerce, Auditing, Big Data Management and Application, Network and New Media, Translation, Information Computing Science, Electronic Information Science and Technology, Computer, Network Engineering, Internet of Things Engineering, Industrial Design, Automation, Vehicle Engineering, Mechanical Design, Mechatronics Engineering,  measurement and control technology and instruments, Electrical engineering and automation
​▶ Website: คณะที่เปิดสอน

▶ Introduction of Beijing Information  Science & Technology University (BISTU)

Formally approved by Ministry of Education, Beijing Information Science and Technology University (BISTU) was the merger of Beijing Institute of Machinery (BIM, supervised by the former Ministry of Machinery Industry) and Beijing Institute of Information Technology (BIT, supervised by the former Ministry of Electronic Industry). BISTU is a key school supported by Beijing Municipality with a relatively complete set of academic disciplines focusing on engineering coordinated development of engineering, management, science, economics, liberal arts, and law studies. With a history of 85 years dated back to 1937, BISTU has been always rooted in China and has been growing along with development of the country, development of national machinery industry and computer science while making indelible contributions to national defense cause. Distinctive features of the University thus were formed in respect of information technology, industries, and military industry. “Diligence in learning and honor for life”---the University Motto ---has been rooted here and carried forward to all corners of the world. The University has five campuses. And the New Campus covering an area of over 80 hectares is in an all-around progress of construction and Phase One project is expected to be completed soon. Phase One relocation on the New Campus has been achieved in 2021.  

The University has achieved remarkable success in party building and ideological education. The Party’s leadership over all issues of the University has been comprehensively strengthened. Guided by political construction, the University has been strengthening “construction of five environments”, i.e., spatial environment, physical environment, learning environment, governance environment, and emotional environment, constantly optimizing top design, and constantly facilitating reform of internal governance system. Efforts have been invested in overall enhancement of the process through which ideological education is embedded into teaching and education so as to achieve better results for all issues with least time consumed. The scientific, systematic, and standardized party building and ideological education have been fully strengthened. For a number of years in a row, the University has been granted the honor of “Institution of Excellent Ideological Infrastructure in Beijing” and nominated as one of the outstanding institutions in Beijing in party building and ideological education.  

​With a featured philosophy of education, BISTU aims to nurture talents who have moral integrity, hand-on skills, innovative competence and international horizon. BISTU has 10,569 full-time undergraduates, 2,426 postgraduates and 130 overseas students. Having been screened out by Ministry of Education as a pilot institution in nurturing engineers of excellence and a pilot institution in academic discipline reform, BISTU now offers 44 undergraduate programs, including 14 state-level potential first-rate programs, 4 state-level featured potential first-rate programs; 17 municipal-level potential first-rate programs, 9 municipal-level featured potential first-rate programs, 3 potential first-rate programs ratified as key ones in universities in Beijing, 3 programs listed in MOE Planning for Engineering of Excellence, 9 programs accredited for engineering education by China Engineering Education Accreditation Association, and 2 MOE Pilot Programs of Academic Reform in Local Universities. Currently, the University is honored for 3 undergraduate modules rated as state-level first-rate, 12 undergraduate modules as municipal-level quality ones, and 5 as model modules in respect of ideological and political education among Beijing-based universities. In all, 24 textbooks of the University have been listed in national 11th Five Year Plan and 12th Five Year Plan, 28 textbooks as elite ones of higher education in Beijing, and 12 sets of courseware as quality courseware for undergraduate students in Beijing-based universities. BISTU is also home to 2 national-level model centers for experiment teaching, 1 national-level off-campus field teaching base, 1 national-level field teaching center for engineering, 5 municipal-level model centers of field teaching, 5 municipal-level off-campus educational bases, and 2 model bases for on-campus innovation field teaching among Beijing-based universities. BISTU has been honored with a national second prize for educational achievements in 2014 and 4 first prizes, five second prizes, and 1 first prize and 1 second prize shared with sister schools for 2021 Beijing municipal educational achievements awards. The University is among the earliest demonstration institutions in Beijing for innovation and entrepreneurship oriented education reform. The University Innovation and Entrepreneurship Base for Students has been officially approved as a sub-park for innovation and entrepreneurship on-campus. BISTU graduates are well known for their strong competitive edge, good starting salary and good reputation among employers of all industries.